This gorgeous session at Enchanted Rock in the Texas Hill Country was incredibly fun from start to finish! Kirsten and Alvah found me on Insta, and I immediately fell in love with their story. Alvah & Kirsten met at work when they lived in Virginia (a classic Jim & Pam story, if you will) and then […]
It’s no secret: I LIVE for a good adventure! I met Kat and Jay last summer at Danielle and Shey’s wedding at Chelan Lake in Washington, and we were surprised to learn that we were both based in Texas! What were the odds? When they left Chelan for Seattle, Jay actually proposed to Kat, and […]
When Jenny and I found one another on Facebook, we instantly connected over our love for travel and adventure. So, when she mentioned that she and her fiancé, Luke, were planning their wedding out in Seattle, and their engagement session in Joshua Tree, I jumped at the opportunity to capture their love story. This was […]
An adorable couple, an awesome venue, a school bus, a bathtub, a feisty little Calico cat, some Spider-Man kisses, two sweet Rhodesian Ridgeback puppers, and just too much overall awesomeness to name. Never ever gonna be able to get over this session. Nope, not ever. ❤ Hi, my name is Meme, and I like to get […]
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