
Ellie Goulding, Delirium World Tour

Verizon Theatre, Grand Prairie, Texas

April 18th, 2016

Every time Ellie Goulding makes her way to Dallas, she gets exponentially better, intensifying her presence with bigger venues, bigger crowds, and bigger than life performances. She touched down at Verizon Theatre Monday night and did just that. With her combat-boots, massive stage setup with prolific lighting, and pliant background dancers, Ellie took no shortcuts towards dazzling the audience from start to finish. On road backing her third studio album, Delirium, Ellie appears as though she’s in full form and abundantly embracing her role in megastardom. Although it was a school night, the arena was jam packed with young adolescents, soccer moms, and young adults, all there to have Ellie enrapture them with melodies from her discography, from her latest installment, to Halycon Days, to Lights, and even some acoustic covers.

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