On my days off I tend to venture to local exhibits down town, and was very pleased to have chanced upon this wonder. Anila Quayyaum Agha’s – “Intersections” is way more impressive in person.
“Sadako Sasaki was a Japanese girl living in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan (August 6, 1945). In 1955, at age 11, Sadako was diagnosed with leukemia, a type of cancer caused by the atomic bomb. While in the hospital, Sadako started to fold paper cranes. In Japan, there is a belief […]
Hello All! Seeing as this is my personal page, it only makes sense that I properly introduce myself. I’ll try to keep it brief. For starters, I’m a 24 year old graduate of the University of North Texas with a degree in Biology currently working in the medical field, who is willfully pursuing a career in […]
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